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Looking Inward and Outward: The Formula Behind Strong and Authentic Brand Positioning

By Letícia Luzbel

The Challenge of Brand Positioning 

Positioning or repositioning a brand in the market is no easy task. In an era marked by digitization, globalization, and other factors, we face a saturated market full of brands and options, making the environment highly competitive. In this scenario, capturing consumer attention, creating genuine connections, and earning their admiration has become increasingly challenging. 

However, in my years as a strategist, I have learned that building – or repositioning – strong and authentic brands depends more than ever on a deep, holistic view that considers both the brand’s essence and the context in which it operates. 

This means that it’s not enough to look only inward. Ignoring external aspects, such as the positioning of other brands, trends, shifts in consumer behavior, and even the culture itself, can seriously compromise the brand’s relevance and effectiveness. 

On the other hand, it’s not enough to look only outward. A brand without history, identity, and personality that merely reacts to market trends and dynamics will struggle to differentiate itself or build a solid value perception in consumers’ minds. 

Therefore, the true strategy lies in balancing these two perspectives – internal and external. I propose that we delve into these dimensions, understanding how each can contribute to building a valuable brand. Shall we? 

Looking Inward: Diving into the Brand’s Essence 

At Essence, we often say that power comes from essence. But what does that mean? 

It means that a brand’s authenticity and uniqueness lie in something within it, never outside. The more romantic might call it the soul or heart of the brand, while the more practical might refer to it as a pillar, foundation, or cornerstone… Regardless of the name, we are talking about the most intrinsic aspect of the organization. 

Every company has a story, and no two stories are alike. What is your story? Who was involved in that journey? How do their intentions still permeate the organization today? 

And if I asked you what is non-negotiable for you, would you know how to answer? I once heard that positioning is about the “yeses” and “nos” we make, and I was struck by the clarity of this explanation. If we don’t know what’s non-negotiable, what filter are we using to make the many decisions needed in a company’s daily life? 

What does it believe in? What does it intend (beyond commercial aims)? Why it and not any other market player with a similar offer? And, giving due credit to Simon Sinek, what does it do practically at the end of the day? How? And finally… why? 

In a more playful way, we can reflect on the brand’s personality: if it were personified, what would this person be like? How would they act, speak, and what kind of lifestyle would they lead? 

In the work we do at Essence, there is no starting point other than diving into the essence (our name doesn’t let us lie). To do this, it’s essential to seek out the organization’s most important assets: its people. At this moment, both founders and directors, as well as leaders and their teams, are important. 

Here, each conversation becomes an opportunity to reconnect with the brand’s original intent. By inviting these people to look inward, we not only have the chance to recover what was but also to identify and recognize what is. No wonder we call this work module “Essence Revelation and Concept Building”! 

Thus, diving into the essence is not a step to be skipped or underestimated; on the contrary, it should be approached with the importance it deserves and conducted as a deep, dedicated effort. It is in this dive that we will find the foundations that will constitute the brand’s identity and sustain the organization’s positioning. 

Looking Outward: Understanding the Market 

While we can understand where the authenticity of the brand resides from diving into its essence, we also need to grasp the context in which the brand will be positioned. This is where looking outward becomes essential. 

Market scenario analysis is also a profound experience, where many elements need to be analyzed and considered. At Essence, we call this work module “Market Research & Insights,” where we work with two different types of research to cover all necessary points to guide the brand in making more informed decisions in its construction and management process. 

The first research source is called “Primary Research.” This stage involves collecting and analyzing original data directly from the brand’s stakeholders. Depending on the brand’s challenge, we can use various tools, such as qualitative research, in-depth individual interviews, focus groups, among others. The goal of this research is generally to understand the challenges, needs, and perceptions of certain stakeholders (such as consumers or partners) regarding the brand. 

The other research source is “Desk Research” or “Secondary Research.” In this stage, we work with existing, available data. It’s the time to dive into market trends, study consumer behavior, and look at the players that make up the market in which the company operates. 

In both cases, the results must be combined with the brand’s essence, strategy, and communication to generate valuable and differentiated insights on how the brand can become a significant asset for the business and enhance its results. 

By using fresh data and personalized insights, enriched with information and analyses of pre-existing data, we gain a comprehensive view of the market in which the company is or will be contextualized. This allows us to clearly identify the most strategic position, enabling the brand to position itself assertively, aligning value, relevance, and authenticity. 


Although positioning or repositioning a brand in the market assertively is indeed no easy task, it is a rewarding challenge when approached correctly. Building a brand platform, as well as successfully managing it, relies on a holistic view and responsible execution that connects the brand’s essence to its context through a powerful guiding thread: strategy. 

Need help turning your brand into a true business asset? We can help! 

About Essence Branding 

We are a strategic consultancy focused on building brand platforms that manifest the essence and uniqueness of each business, revealing the value it brings to the world and producing strategic results. 

With international certification from the B Corporation System, we are part of a global community of companies working to build a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economic system for people and the planet. 

We materialize brand essence, diving from its culture and corporate philosophy to the development of visual, verbal, olfactory, and sonic identities, including customer experience design, market research, strategic planning, and team training. 

We stand out for our Human-Centered Branding approach. We believe that brands are made by people for people, which is why we work with an approach that includes and embraces the individuals within the organization to guide positioning strategies that express the team’s essence in a true and authentic manner. 

Operating in over 20 Brazilian states and 9 countries, we have contributed to the building of more than 250 brands and trained thousands of people, adding clients and partners like Unilever, Dow Chemical, Duratex, and CASE New Holland. 

LinkedIn: Essence Branding
Instagram: @essencebranding

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